فيلم Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo مدبلج عربي
IMDb: 7 2006 75 min 174 views
بعد معركة مع شرير عالي التقنية يُدعى سايكو تيك، يسافر فريق Teen Titans إلى مدينة طوكيو حيث يجدون أنفسهم متورطين في صراع مع عدو قديم.

Teen Titans: 5×5
While battling a mysterious creature in the wilds of Siberia, Starfire is lost in a blinding snowstorm. A reclusive young soldier named Red Star ...

Teen Titans: 5×4
Control Freak returns to Titan Tower with “The Ultimate Titans Challenge,” a series of events designed specifically to challenge the ...

Teen Titans: 5×3
The Brotherhood of Evil has begun its master plan to eliminate all of the young superheroes around the globe, starting with honorary Titans ...

Teen Titans: 5×2
The Doom Patrol has been saved, but the sinister Brotherhood of Evil is still on the loose. It’s just like old times for Beast Boy when he ...

Teen Titans: 5×1
When Beast Boy’s former team, The Doom Patrol, is in trouble, the Titans must embark on a daring mission to save them. Beast Boy explains ...

Teen Titans: 4×13
The stars are aligned. The sun is in eclipse. All of Slade’s labors are about to reach fruition — and the Titans are about to face ...

Teen Titans: 4×12
Robin, Starfire, Cyborg, and Beast Boy awake to a nightmare. Trigon has risen and he has ended the world. Every building is destroyed, and all ...

Teen Titans: 4×11
The day has finally come. Raven is destined to end the world on this day. Trigon will come by sunset. But not if the Titans have anything to say ...

Teen Titans: 4×10
The strange Mother Mae-Eye has taken the Titans on as her children and turned the tower into a massive gingerbread house. But even below her ...

Teen Titans: 4×9
Wishing to get the most he can out of his time, Cyborg installs a special Max-7 chip into his head which throws him into overdrive, allowing him ...

Teen Titans: 4×8
An exciting battle on a distant space station ends with a tremendous explosion that blows the T-Ship apart — and sends the Titans flying ...

Teen Titans: 4×7
Ever since Slade’s return, the Titans have been searching high and low for answers, including looking for theories as to the ...

Teen Titans: 4×6
A brave hero from outer space called Val-Yor comes to Earth, and asks for the Titans help in defeating an otherworldly menace known as The ...

Teen Titans: 4×5
Beast Boy has only one real dream in life — to someday, somehow own a Moped. And when Robin won’t buy him one and Cyborg won’t ...

Teen Titans: 4×4
Cyborg is mysteriously thrown into the distant past and lands in the middle of a barbarian village that needs his help. But with the nearest ...

Teen Titans: 4×3
It’s Raven’s birthday, but she is far from wanting to celebrate. But before Robin can learn why, the Titans receive a distress call ...

Teen Titans: 4×2
When Robin is defeated by the malicious martial artist Kitarou, our hero decides that if he wants to be the best — he needs more training. ...

Teen Titans: 4×1
Control Freak has escaped from prison and brought the Titans into his TV world. The Titans must track him down through the diffrent channels of ...

Teen Titans: 3×13
The final battle continues between Cyborg and Brother Blood as well as the creation of a new branch of Titans.

Teen Titans: 3×12
Cyborg has a final showdown with Brother Blood, and a new branch of the Titans team is created. Titans East is a different tower in a new city ...

Teen Titans: 3×11
The Amazing Mumbo is up to his old tricks. When the Teen Titans try to stop the madcap magician in mid-performance, Mumbo pulls a fast one. With ...

Teen Titans: 3×10
Starfire adopts a weird mutant silkworm named Silkie as a pet, but when she feeds him some alien food from Tamaran, Silkie has an ...

Teen Titans: 3×9
When Beast Boy begins turning into an angry, aggressive Man Beast against his will, the Titans must try to save themselves from their savage friend.

Teen Titans: 3×8
Brother Blood is back, and this time, it’s personal. Cyborg learns that Blood stole his blueprints–and the villain is using ...

Teen Titans: 3×7
The Titans’ Fourth of July festivities are interrupted when Mad Mod comes to the party uninvited, declaring the American Revolution a hoax ...

Teen Titans: 3×6
Raven has always been lonely at the Tower, despite the other Titans. But that all changes when Raven discovers a young magician trapped inside ...

Teen Titans: 3×5
Ever since the Titans’ final confrontation with Slade, Robin has been haunted by one question: Is Slade really gone? And after Cinderblock ...

Teen Titans: 3×4
When Beast Boy mistakes Cyborg’s system recharger for a video game, he accidentally infects it with a nasty computer virus. The virus ...

Teen Titans: 3×3
The Grand Ruler of Tamaran has arranged for Starfire to be married during the Teen Titans’ visit to Tamaran. Robin has a hard time ...